Specially developed scoring system.
From all the profiles, the research partner's scoring system identifies the companies with particularly effective, innovative and exemplary contributions to transformation, the pioneers in each industry. Based on a 6-stage evaluation methodology, a ranking is created in each of the 100 industries.
More about the scoring
Expert juries for all industries.
Independent expert juries for all industries nominate 10 pioneers in each industry. The four- to five-member panels include representatives from industry practice, civil society, consulting and research. The nominees/leaders can update or supplement their profile. The expert juries then decide on the top 3 (finalists) and the winner in each of the 100 sectors.
More about the expert juries
Role models of transformation.
The sector analysis is followed by an overarching perspective according to transformation fields. In addition to the industry pioneers, the GSA - together with the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, among others - gives cross-sectoral awards to those companies from the 100 winners that have made particularly important and exemplary contributions in the transformation fields assigned to them. The assessment partners evaluate; the GSA's corporate jury decides.
More about the award by transformation fields
Everything you need to know about the new methodology in detail.